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Blogs by TechShu, the Best Digital Marketing Agency in India

Mother’s Day 2016 Viral Stories

Here we discuss stories that've captured the depth & meaning of motherhood. Read on

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Posted By - Suzzane A

8 Things 2015 Taught Us About Millennials

Why’re marketers obsessed with millennials?   Because this generation’s global purchasing power was estimated to hit $2.45 trillion in 2015, according to research by Youbrand. In addition to holding significant purchasing power they’ll be soon an important part of workforce. In an article titled Marketers Are Sizing Up the Millennials in the NYT, Dionne Searcey gives us an […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

10 Content Marketing Tips For 2016

 Content has always been, and continues to be, at the centre of digital success. However, the dynamics of successful content marketing campaigns are constantly changing, and only the companies that can adapt to this changing scenario can expect content marketing success in the long run.  In 2016 we’re going to see companies producing more content.  […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Top 2015 mistakes hurting your digital marketing ROI

The article was published in the Entrepreneur magazine ( the shorter version). Here’s the extended version If growing businesses is David then to win over the market, digital can become the sling shot but getting it right takes time. Here are some mistakes you want to avoid in 2016.  1) Mistake #1:  “I want you to do SEO […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Emoji : The New Friend of Marketers

First things first - in 2015 Oxford Dictionaries' Word of the Year was not a word! It was an emoji. It's the tears of joy emoji.

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Posted By - Suzzane A

50 Digital Marketers We Recommend Following on Twitter, Right Now!

In 2016, it makes sense to follow all of them, to have a good idea regarding how the digital landscape will change.

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Digital Marketing Must Reads Of 2015

Category: Blog Designs

Amid all the digital marketing noise, did you miss out on these contents last year? The list includes survey results, blogs, videos & expert predictions.

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Posted By - Suzzane A

What Went Viral In 2015? But Not For Good Reasons

  Blame it on humour gone wrong, sloppy copy or plain misfortune – these brands somehow couldn’t put their best feet forward when communicating with users online and offline. In 2015 we saw well-intentioned campaigns failing due to poor timing,  disgruntled employees taking over company’s official Twitter account, nauseating Twitter polls + content that didn’t simply […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Campaigns That Went Viral in 2015

Category: Blog Campaigns

Every year, we come across hundreds of advertisements, on an average. However, many of these ads just shamelessly endorse products and are quickly forgotten. But then, there are advertisements that tap into our emotions, make us think, bring a smile to our lips, or perhaps a few tears to our eyes. These are advertisements that […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

How To Research Your Audience And Your Competitors With Facebook Graph Search?

 Will you feel excited if we tell you that you can find your perfect audience on Facebook? Of course, you would. So, how about a tool that will help you do  a thorough research on your potential customers as well as spy on your competitors?  Presenting Facebook Graph Search In last year December, Facebook revamped their […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Digital Marketing News You Can’t Afford To Miss This Week (Oct 9 to 16)

1) Social media usage: 2005-2015 by Pew Research Center

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Posted By - Suzzane A

7 Tips for App Store Optimization to Make Your App SEO-Friendly

You have built a great mobile app. Now you need to optimize your app, so it appears on top in the concerned app store.

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Posted By - Suzzane A