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How New-age SEO is Different from Traditional SEO?

Signals (how you gather strength) do not solely depend on your SEO strength (On-page and Off-page strength). Our mission is “No good intended business should ever struggle for great digital marketing”. Know the right way to do SEO from an international seo agency and never adopt steps that will attract SEO penalties.


Never work on keywords,
work on keyword clusters.


Select keyword clusters
orbit by orbit, get the sequence right


SEO takes time is a myth,
progressive SEO growth can be
seen month by month.


Who are we?

At TechShu, one of Kolkata’s leading SEO agencies, we believe that effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the foundation of any successful digital marketing strategy. With our team of experienced SEO specialists, we help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more organic traffic to their websites.

  • Pioneers in cost-effective SEO packages , ourdigital marketing team structure ( the highest level of automation, senior + junior combination). We are the senior members of WebmasterWorld, Moz and other communities. We are Google Premier Partner and FB Preferred Partner - placing us amongst the top 1% of the technical SEO agencies..
  • High on ROI - we are profit center not cost center for our clients. Every Tom, Dick and Harry in this industry has testimonials, but we have success % . Our customers get success - thanks to our our right marketing mix selection.
  • We hand-hold, consult, guide and debate. We are never afraid of losing a customer, so we work like a partner with strong backbone and humility and not like a typical search engine optimization agency.
  • Our team members are mostly MBAs from good B-Schools and are humble and possess a caring nature. Good people to work with. “Shu”- reciprocity is our selection criteria
  • Plus much more. You can see our clientele. We have worked with businesses small and large - and have helped them our deep expertise in digital marketing including SEO.

Our SEO Process

New Age SEO is very different from Traditional SEO

#1 Keyword


#2 Keyword Analysis
& Clusterization


#3 Orbit Mapping &
Roadmap Creation


#6 Content Creation &
Distribution, Link Building &
Signal Optimization,etc...


#5 Local SEO, Structural
SEO Audit & Fixing


#4 Keyword to
Page Mapping


What makes us a strong partner?


17+ years of maturity and clarity. Still passionate, learning and growing.


Strong Execution. 3-layer backup for all people, work never suffers


4Ds of Execution. Unique Data Studio -based Dashboard KPIs, weekly and monthly rhythm.


Very affordable SEO agency, not cheap. We use CAC/LTV calculation and invest accordingly. Always a profit center.


Knowledge sharing at the highest level. We also own

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Get a free opportunity analysis with our SEO Experts to get the top spot in search rankings

Our expertise lies in providing a wide range of SEO services in India tailored to meet your unique business needs.

Our Services include :

On-page optimization: We optimize a website's individual pages to improve their relevance and search engine rankings, using techniques such as keyword research, meta tags optimization, and content optimization.

Off-page optimization: We help to build a website's authority and credibility through link building, content marketing, and other off-page tactics that increase its visibility and relevance to search engines.

Technical optimization: We optimize a website's technical performance, such as its page speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data, to improve its overall search engine visibility and user experience.

Local SEO: We help businesses improve their visibility in local search results, such as "dentists in New York," by optimizing their website and content for specific geographic locations.

E-commerce SEO: We, as the best SEO services company, optimize online stores to improve their visibility and search engine rankings, and to attract more relevant traffic and conversions.

Multi-lingual SEO: We provide SEO services for websites that target audiences in multiple languages, using techniques such as hreflang tags and localized content to improve their visibility and relevance in different countries.

International SEO: We help businesses expand their online presence to other countries and optimize their websites and content for global audiences, using techniques such as country-specific domains, local link building, and international keyword research.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) implementation: We help businesses set up and manage their GTM accounts to ensure accurate tracking of website interactions, such as form submissions and button clicks, which can provide valuable insights for SEO and other digital marketing efforts.

Google Analytics: As SEO services, we set up and manage Google Analytics accounts for businesses, and provide ongoing analysis and reporting to track SEO performance and identify areas for improvement.

Tool and technologies we use


After the pandemic, things have been changed drastically. Every individual tried ways to survive their business online and get things done in the Covid period. However, before the pandemic, people were aware of the boom of Digital Marketing. But now, as we survived or still surviving, we understand the significance of the online presence.

Still, many get confused when it comes to the term “online presence”. People think that having a website is enough, which absolutely makes no sense. A decade ago, you could say that having a website came under the online presence but not anymore.

When people search for your business-relevant terms, your business should appear on SERP, Social Media platforms, YouTube, Etc. So, you can conclude that SEO, SMM, and YouTube are essential platforms to market or grow your business online.

Wait! You do not know the meaning of organic. In simple words, organic means you do not have to pay any amount to platforms on which you are promoting your business.

Now, let’s talk about the benefits your business will get through organic presence:

You can directly contact your clients or customers and understand their needs better

Costs you less than traditional marketing

You can run your business round the clock

A magnificent online presence boosts sales and gives better ROI

Keeping all these in mind, taking help of best seo company will be a wise decision.

Google changes its algorithms every weekend, in some cases, every second day. Google wants to give the best results to its audience, whatever they are looking for! To your question, as of now, if you want to rank on Google, you seriously need to have patience. The answer to your question lies in two terms.

First – It can take six to 1 year or more than that. Second – It depends.

So let us elaborate on these two terms for you.

If you have low competition keywords or brand keywords, there are chances that you can see results within six months. In contrast, if your business is too common and many similar businesses are already ranking on Google, it will probably take more than one year to improve your business ranking.

Also, it varies from business to business and website to website. If you have a local business and your target audience is also local having low competition in your area, you can rank within a short duration.

Now, let’s talk about the benefits your business will get through organic presence:

So, in our suggestion, in the first place, it is highly recommended to go for low competition and brand keywords. Once you are getting a significant amount of traffic, your PA and DA have improved, you can target for high competitive keywords.

If it sounds too much for you, you can always take the help of the best SEO company.

Obviously not! You might be getting confused between Designing and SEO. You can design your website the way you desire. The only thing you have to be sure about you are following the SEO protocols.

Are you unsure about designing an SEO-friendly website? You always have the back of the best SEO agency in Kolkata. This way, you do not have to make any further changes.

So, let’s come back to our main topic – how does SEO affect your website designing part?

As mentioned earlier, it will not change your website’s design or look. But there are a few changes that you have to take care of to make your website SEO-friendly.

Mainly, SEO is categorized into three parts – On-page SEO, Technical SEO, and Off-page SEO.

On-page SEO and Off-page SEO do not impact the designing part. But when it comes to technical SEO, you might have to make essential changes in your website to make it more SEO-friendly, like

Make your website mobile-friendly

Use simple or less complex coding and images to improve the site’s loading speed

Create a crystal clear navigation structure for easy understanding

Run the check for orphaned pages and fix them

Check for crawl errors and make the necessary changes

So, these are a few points according to which you have to make changes to your website. But as you can see, these changes will not change the look and design of your website. It will only make your website more SEO-friendly and technically pro.

Local SEO works like magic for small businesses or local businesses if done appropriately. Through local SEO, you can easily reach your targeted audience within a particular area and increase your profit.

As per the data, almost 30% to 40% of people search for local businesses through maps. So, having a GMB for local businesses has become a critical parameter. Along with this, you can not overlook the local SEO as it helps businesses strengthen their presence on maps and increase the chances of getting found more likely.

Now, let’s talk about how can local SEO services help your businesses:

Helps in –

Reaching out to a wider audience ultimately results in more sales and boosts the revenue.
Finding the right customers that are already looking for your services or products
Provides ranking on top spots, and as a result, your business gets a significant amount of traffic. Higher traffic means higher conversion rates.
Staying ahead of your competitors makes you stand out from the crowd.
Increase the brand awareness

So, this way, you can get countless benefits by opting for local SEO . However, you should have a user and SEO-friendly website to make things work. For this, you can take the help of the best SEO services company in Kolkata or any other company you think can help you.

SEO term looks like a small thing, but it is itself a universe. There are many different services that have boomed in the market since SEO started. The most popular ones are Technical SEO, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Local SEO, and YouTube SEO.

Further, every term requires a different approach and involves many tasks that should be done correctly to see the positive results on Search Engines. If you are not sure about all these terms, take guidance from the best SEO agency in Kolkata. Let’s talk about them one by one.

Technical SEO – If you want users to stay on your website, your website should be fast, responsive, and, most significantly, user-friendly. For this, one can not skip Technical SEO. The most important tasks one has to look upon are code efficiency, website speed, mobile responsiveness, and SSL/HTTPS.

On-page SEO – On-page SEO polishes your website’s content and makes it more search-engine friendly. It involves meta titles and meta descriptions, heading tags, alt tags, website content, internal and external linking, Etc.

Off-page SEO – Off-page SEO is all about creating or putting your website links to other websites. It helps to improve the ranking. It involves unlimited tasks and should be done regularly.

Local SEO – Local SEO’s main target is to appear within three local businesses’ listings to reach out to local audiences. This service is best for local businesses. In this, having GMB should be the top priority.

YouTube SEO – Google owns YouTube, and YouTube is itself a search engine where one can find the video for their queries. So, YouTube SEO is somewhat similar to Google SEO.

However, every business needs are different, so it is better to take professional help as they know their work better than us.

Ready to take your SEO game to the next level? Discover the benefits of new-age SEO with us- a leading SEO Services Agency in India

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  • We are interested in learning about your business and what you need to take it to the next level.
  • Sharing more about your challenges will help us provide a more tailored response.
  • Our team of experts will respond to you within 24 hours to offer a free consultation.

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