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“All I want is Sales.” Period.

For most businesses, marketing is an essential part to grow sales figures. And Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) can prove to be a very effective tool to grow your business considerably. Conversion rate includes the total number of online visitors who performed some specific actions over a website such as subscribing, buying or registering for a newsletter. We can help to achieve your CRO by performing a series of experiments to moderately increase conversion rates. And, by optimizing your Website UX to make it more user-friendly and engaging to make visitors take desired actions.

Boost Your Conversion Rates with the help of our Conversion Optimisation Services in India
Key Factors to Consider for Effective Optimization

As a conversion rate optimization agency, we assure you that with a proper CRO strategy, you can do much to improve your revenue and take your business to the next level.


User Experience

Visitors should be able to easily navigate your site, find the information they need, and take the desired action without any friction.


Clear and Compelling Value Proposition

You need to clearly communicate the value of your products or services in a way that resonates with your target audience.


Effective Call-To-Action

CTAs should be prominent, clear, and compelling. They should tell visitors what action you want them to take and why they should take it.


Trust Signals

Trust building such as positive customer reviews, testimonials, security badges, and privacy policies can help build trust with your visitors and encourage them to take action.

Observe. Analyze. Change -The secrets of CRO

Conversion optimization is not a one-time process; you have to try to make it better than what is today’s best. These are just the tip of the iceberg! Our clients have identified us as a top conversion rate optimization services firm that can help your business increase its conversion rates to a great extent.

If you are getting enough traffic to your website but very few of them are registering, then you need to go for conversion optimization.

Here are the steps


Observe what the visitors are doing after landing on your website.

There are various free and paid tools that can give you good insight.


Analyze the reasons by asking questions like :

  • Why someone bounced back?
  • Did anybody drop out because the resolution was not proper?
  • Does the website open properly in mobile browsers?
  • Does all required information appear within the first fold as the page loads?
  • And probably many more

Make changes to your website based on your answers and repeat the steps again.

Increase Leads and Sales with our Conversion Rate Optimization Services in India

You might neglect it, but to us, your website is the gateway to a bigger audience than you can think of! It is one of the most versatile and intriguing areas where you can utilize your full potential to woo your audience with your brand offerings.

As a conversion rate optimization services agency, we assure you that with a proper CRO strategy, you can do much to improve your revenue and take your business to the next level. Several conversion rate optimization strategies can reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates across your web pages. The type of CRO techniques used will vary depending on your conversion funnel, what your brand has to offer the audience, and the needs and tastes of your targeted audience.

TechShu's conversion optimization services include minimizing distractions and unnecessary form fields and simplifying the checkout process, which can eventually lead to higher conversion rates. We identify the design elements that must be fine-tuned to suit your brand image and customer preference simultaneously. This is part of a well-structured and strategized CRO plan that is just the right fit for your brand's desired conversion action.

Tools and Technology

Winning the conversion game: Elevate your digital performance with our conversion rate optimization services in India

Addressing Your Business Challenges Together

  • We are interested in learning about your business and what you need to take it to the next level.
  • Sharing more about your challenges will help us provide a more tailored response.
  • Our team of experts will respond to you within 24 hours to offer a free consultation.

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