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Blogs by TechShu, the Best Digital Marketing Agency in India

[How to] Add new admin in Facebook Page?

Category: FAQs

There are 3 ways to add new admin in Facebook Page – Go to Facebook Page >edit info>Manage admins> add [email protected]. Go to Facebook Page >Click on “People like this” > find kundan and make kundan as admin (If he has already joined the page) If Kundan is in your friend list then you can make him […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Google Launches Google+

Category: News

Google has launched a demo version of its new social network product called Google+ which aims to “fix” the “broken” and “awkward way” people interact and share things online. The “subtlety and substance of real-world interactions are lost in the rigidness of our online tools,” Vic Gundotra, senior vice-president of engineering, wrote in Google’s official blog […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Google‘s New Experiment on “Authorship Markup”

Category: News

Google had earlier talked about its release on authorship markup that lets content creators claim the articles they’ve written. In an official Google blog post dated 7 June, 2011, the company said “The markup uses existing standards such as HTML5 (rel=”author”) and XFN (rel=”me”) to enable search engines and other web services to identify works by […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

TechShu launches Digital Soch – Academy for new age marketing thoughts

Category: Press

TechShu, an end-to-end digital agency, has launched DigitalSoch, its educational arm on June 3, 2011. The idea behind the initiative is reflected in the name which combines digital and soch.  “It’s a training academy where we want to make an impact on the thought process of the people who want to go digital.” says Aji Isaac Mathew, founder […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Techshu unveils Keyword Research Team – locate your right segment

Category: Press

When it comes to Search Engine Marketing, the very word “Search” explains it all. “Search” is the fulcrum that can decide the prospect of Search Engine Marketing initiative taken up by organizations.In web, “Search” tantamount to “Keywords”. It is the basic blueprint your web marketing success rests upon. While most brands and marketing giants realize […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

We still love you – ex-customers & ex-employees

Category: TechShu

Aji Issac (not verified) Great! Fri, 02/18/2011 – 02:12 Permalink “Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours.” ~ Ludwig van Beethoven “I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh. But I never knew looking back on […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Message for 2010 – Shu

Category: TechShu

bhanusmita (not verified) This is very inspiring! Fri, 07/16/2010 – 10:43 Permalink One word that can change your life for ever, Shu. I think this should be the word for 2010. Some years back when I was heading Grmtech, I had a team lead under me, he generally complained against his team members and never […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A