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Blogs by TechShu, the Best Digital Marketing Agency in India

[Social Media] What is Hashtags?

Category: FAQs

What is Hashtags?Hashtags are a community-driven convention for adding additional context to tweets. They’re added inline to any twitter post. Why Hashtags?Hashtags were developed as a means to create “groupings” on Twitter, without having to change the basic service. Twitter  provides real-time tracking of hashtags. How To Use Hashtags? We can create a hashtag simply by prefixing a word with a hash […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

[How To] Begin with Newsletter for Your clients through Mailchimp

Category: FAQs

“Email newsletters are the best way to maintain customer relationships on the Internet.”– Jakob Nielsen, Internet GuruNewsletters can go a long way in educating and persuading clients and Prospect customers.Here is quick tip on how to begin with Newsletter for Your clients through Mailchimp – Create an email account preferably ‘[email protected]’- this will be shown […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Whose design is it anyway? Steve Jobs?

Category: Design

Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works. – Jobs On web there are 5 tiers Aesthetics Usability Persuasion Technology Dumb Search Engines Now from company to company one guides the other … At times for really quick launches we have design and […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

[PR] How To : Write a Press Release?

Category: FAQs

A press release serves many purposes like – To let the whole world of web and off the web know about your services/ products/ launches. News websites publish contents from the press release websites. You end up getting more links to your site. PRs add credibility to your website. Find More details at – Why do […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

FAQs about LinkedIn Advertising

Category: FAQs

1. What are LinkedIn Ads? LinkedIn Ads is a self-serve advertising service, offered by LinkedIn to businesses. It enables you show your advertisement to your target audience on the professional network   2. How to get started with it? You need a LinkedIn Account and valid credit card to start running your LinkedIn ads.  3. Is there […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

[PPC] How to start with Facebook Ads for Beginners

Category: FAQs

Here are few important official online documents from Facebook which will be very helpful for you to begin with Facebook ads – How to promote your business with Facebook Ads Facebook Ads Getting Started Guide Ads Optimization Guide: Get tips on how to improve your ad performance Facebook Insights Guide: Understand your campaign performance Ads […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

[Guidelines] Facebook Promotion & Rule Compliance Sheet

Category: FAQs

In last few months it has been in news that Facebook is banning brand pages which created lots of fear and turmoil among Social Media Marketeers & Digital marketing agencies and specially it was a matter of great concern among their clients as no one was much aware or clear about promotional guidelines of Facebook and ignoring […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

[PPC] How to create Yahoo ads? Tips for Beginners !

Category: FAQs

When it comes to PPC, Google Adwords ROCKS cause of it’s simplicity and ease of use and I always recommend it to our clients over Yahoo and Microsoft. But many times we just can not put our all eggs in single basket we got to explore other channels to minimize the risk and maximize the ROI.I have worked with many […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

ComScore Report: 27% of Facebook Browsing on News Feed

Category: News

ComScore, the internet marketing research company, released a white paper providing details for which Facebook features are most used and where users interact with branded content on Facebook. 27% of Facebook browsing is on the news feed and home page, which is, 4% of all time spent online in the US.  21% of time was spent on […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Google removes third-party reviews from Places

Category: News

Google has decided to stop posting review snippets from third party sites on their Places page. Prior to this move, Google would automatically collect reviews, ratings, businesses info from third party websites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, Urban Spoon and CitySearch, as well as their own and then place it all under one web page.When the service […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Report: Facebook Plugins Most Used; Google+1 On the Rise

Category: News

BrightEdge, an enterprise SEO platform, has released its July 2011 SocialShare Site Analysis on the adoption of links and social sharing plugins of Facebook, Google, and Twitter. The report, which is an analysis of the front pages of the Web’s 10,000 largest sites, shows that – Facebook plugins are still the most popular; there’s been […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Facebook Launches Group Chat, Skype enabled Video Chat & More

Category: News

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder and chief executive, announced the introduction of features like video calling, group chat and a redesigned chat on Wednesday during a press conference at the company’s Palo Alto headquarters. Also at the event Facebook updated its user count to 750 million users worldwide.The group chat feature will let users talk with […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A