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FAQs about LinkedIn Advertising

1. What are LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn Ads is a self-serve advertising service, offered by LinkedIn to businesses. It enables you show your advertisement to your target audience on the professional network 

2. How to get started with it?

You need a LinkedIn Account and valid credit card to start running your LinkedIn ads.

3. Is there any charge involved to activate the ad account? 

There is a $5 one-time activation fee for initiating a LinkedIn Ads account. 

4. What’s the steps involved from ad creation to ad run?

  • Go to Business Services.
  • Click on Advertise.
  • Click on “Create ad”.
  • Complete your ad with text and images.
  • Optimize it based on your target audience.
  • Set your bidding and scheduling options in the next stage.
  • Click on Save Changes.

Your ad is ready to be reviewed by LinkedIn customer support team. If your ads meet the network’s guideline, your ad is expected to go live in 24 hours. 

5. How to know if my ad is approved or unapproved?

 LinkedIn support team would notify you about the status of your ad once it’s reviewed by them thoroughly. 

6. What to do if my ad is unapproved?

You need to restructure your ad once again to meet the guidelines. 

7. What type of ad options are there?

There are image+text and text only ads available. 

8. What’s the specifications of LinkedIn ads? 

  • Headline (up to 25 characters of text)
  • Description (up to 75 characters of text)
  • From: (your name or any company)
  • Image: (50×50 pixel image)
  • URL (Landing page where you want people to visit)

9. Where will these ads appear? 

LinkedIn ads may appear on a number of areas on the site. The ad spaces are:

  • Profile Pages 
  • Home Page 
  • Inbox 
  • Search Results Page 
  • Groups

10. How many times my ads will be displayed there?

It depends on your ad budget, bid and the ad’s CTR. 

11. Who will see my ads?

Your ads will be visible to those LinkedIn members, who belong to your targeting  criteria. If example, if you set your target as “CEO” in India”, your ads will be shown to all the members, who have written “CEO” on their profile and also live in India. 

12. Are LinkedIn ads costlier than other platforms?  

LinkedIn ads can prove to be a bit more expensive than that of Facebook, Twitter or other platforms. 

13. How can I control my ad spending?

You can control your ad expenditure by setting a daily budget and selecting preferred bidding option. Daily budget limits your spending per day. It can be anything ranging from $10 to $1000 or more. You also can limit your cost per click (CPC) or 1k impression (CPM) by setting a maximum bid per action. And you can pause your ads any time you want. 

14. What are CPC and CPM?

CPC is cost per click and CPM is cost per 1,000 impressions. These are two paying options for your ad. If you choose CPC, you need to pay only when someone clicks on your ad. For this reason, most people go for CPC.

If clicks don’t matter for you and you only need to increase your ad reach, CPM would suit you. In this mode, you pay only when your ad is shown to 1000 people. You don’t need to pay anything for clicks in CPM module. 
15. How does LinkedIn charge? 

You need to submit your credit card details before starting with LinkedIn ads. LinkedIn will charge you periodically with that credit card. The frequency depends on the daily budget and your total ad spending. 

16. Is there any promotional coupon available?

Yes, LinkedIn often send the promotional coupon to the ad managers via email. 

17. How can I use the promotional coupon?

Once you enter the promotional coupon for redemption, LinkedIn will deduct your advertising cost from your promotional credit balance. You can use it until the credit ends in the coupon. 

18. Is there a minimum spending requirement per month?

No, there is no minimum spending requirement. 

19. How does LinkedIn spend my ad activation fee? 

The one-time $5 activation fee is used for the initial clicks or impressions. LinkedIn doesn’t charge you until this $5 is not spent completely. 

20. In what language I can create my ad on LinkedIn?

Currently, LinkedIn allows you create in The English language. 

21. How many countries are there in LinkedIn ad network?

You can show your ads to LinkedIn members from more than 50 nations in the US, Africa, Asia, and Europe. 
