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Category: Press

TechShu is now Indus Net TechShu

It is an official announcement and a happy news for companies looking for the right cost, ROI-based digital marketing. TechShu is now Indus Net Techshu, where Indus Net have purchased a majority share in TechShu. Also with the new entity we’re officially the largest integrated digital marketing agency in Eastern India. Our commitment to become […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

World Cancer Day – Social Media Coverage

Category: Blog Press

1) Chevrolet's Super Bowl Ad

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Posted By - Suzzane A

2013 Social Media Publicity Stunts-That Went Wrong

Category: Blog Press

1) Home Depot @CollegeGame Day

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Unique Public Transport & Road Safety Online Campaigns

Category: Blog Press

“And all the while I feel like I’m standing in the middle of a crowded room, screaming at the top of my lungs, and no one even looks up.” This pretty well sums up most of the safety and public transport campaigns ( usually loaded with he

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Women Safety Apps of 2013- Worthy of Mention

Category: Blog Press

As we step into yet another new year, let us look back and chart in what ways the society has tried to answer the question of women safety.

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Posted By - Suzzane A

5+2 Hit Social Media Campaigns of 2013

Category: Blog Press

1. #Hashtag Killer : Launched by Water Is Life and DDB New York, the campaign is a sarcastic take on silly problems first world citizens complain about. It takes a different approach to highlight the problems faced by the citizens of developing world. The ad shows the people of Haiti reciting some of the  #firstworldproblems ( from […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

9+ 1 Most Viewed Youtube Ads of 2013

Category: Blog Press

2013 has been a year of revolutionary advertisements, both in India as well as internationally.

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Posted By - Suzzane A

The history of Starbucks logo at a glance

The iconic logo of Starbucks is known to all and sundry across the world, caffeine lovers and otherwise. The siren, famously featuring on the logo of the brand, has undergone many a change since the birth of Starbucks in 1971. Completing a successful 40 year run, the symbol of the siren has evolved into one […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

The Story of IIFT Digital Marketing Batch (trained by Aji, CEO Techshu)

Category: Blog Press

A Must Recruitment Stop For Top Brands Looking For Digital Marketing Minds

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Digital Marketing Trends 2013 – U.S.

Category: Blog Press

(Source: Gartner.com)

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Posted By - Suzzane A

TechShu launches Digital Soch – Academy for new age marketing thoughts

Category: Press

TechShu, an end-to-end digital agency, has launched DigitalSoch, its educational arm on June 3, 2011. The idea behind the initiative is reflected in the name which combines digital and soch.  “It’s a training academy where we want to make an impact on the thought process of the people who want to go digital.” says Aji Isaac Mathew, founder […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Techshu unveils Keyword Research Team – locate your right segment

Category: Press

When it comes to Search Engine Marketing, the very word “Search” explains it all. “Search” is the fulcrum that can decide the prospect of Search Engine Marketing initiative taken up by organizations.In web, “Search” tantamount to “Keywords”. It is the basic blueprint your web marketing success rests upon. While most brands and marketing giants realize […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A