The ad named LIFE shows a misty eyed woman and her male companion driving a Silverado pickup truck The female passenger, a cancer survivor, smiles at the sunrise and clasps the hand of her male companion – and the song “Don’t Leave” by Norwegian singer-songwriter Ane Brun plays in the background. The text at the end of the ad reads – This Tuesday Is World Cancer Day. “Join Chevy and the American Cancer Society in celebrating survivors and those who support them on the road to recovery.” The ad highlights Chevrolet’s support to the American Cancer Society’s “Purple Road” initiative which provides the cancer patients (who don’t have a ride or can’t drive themselves) transportation to and from treatment.
Chevrolet’s Purple Roads website urges the visitors to turn their Facebook & Twitter profiles Purple (it’s the color of cancer survival). Chevrolet will contribute $1 to the American Cancer Society for every purple profile, up to $1 million.
Here’s a peek into the Purple effect on Twitter – all to support the fight against cancer.
The purpose of the tweetchat was to discuss ways of reducing the stigma and debunking myths about cancer. The tweetchat was moderated by Kathi Apostolidis, VP of European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC). The message to dispel these myths-
PAHO, the world’s oldest international publichealth agency, also posted the image debunking the cancer myths on their Twitter Page –
Jen Arnold, the reality star, tweeted on Feb 4 that her cancer is in remission.
The tweet by one of the fighters says – “cancer can’t stop us”
Mamta Mohandas, an Indian film actress and playback singer posted her picture as she went for her last chemo yesterday.
Caroline Manzo, the Real Housewives of New Jersey star, posted her de-glam photos holding ”I Stand Up For” cards with the names of cancer survivors and victims.
The NGO invited celebrities, activists and others to share why and for whom are they standing up for. The invitees stood up for their near and dear ones who are battling the disease and also for those brave fighters who lost their lives fighting the disease. “I’m standing up for my grandmother, and all of my male friends who have succumbed to prostate cancer,” Samuel L. Jackson said in the organization’s video.