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Digital Marketing Trends 2013 – U.S.

(Source: Gartner.com)For this research over 200 marketers from U.S.-based companies with more than $500 million in annual revenue, across six industries were surveyed, to understand how they are allocating their budgets and which digital marketing activities are contributing to their success. The Top 8 findings to this survey were: 

1. Companies spend over 10% of revenue on marketing…and those budgets will increase over 5% in 2013.

 2. Digital marketing spending averages 2.5% of company revenue…and budgets will increase 9% in 2013.

3. 70% of companies have a Chief Marketing Technologist.

4. Digital advertising accounts for 12.5% of digital marketing budgets.

5. New investments in 2013 will go toward using marketing to improve commerce experiences.

6. Up to 50% of digital marketing activities are outsourced.

7. Over 40% say corporate website, social networking and digital advertising are key to their marketing success.

8. Over 40% of digital marketers reinvest savings from using digital marketing


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