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Blogs by TechShu, the Best Digital Marketing Agency in India

50 Must Read Email Marketing Insights – #2016TechShuSeries

You've got an email! These 4 words still hold magic for consumers across the globe. Which is why email as a marketing channel generates the highest ROI ( an estimated ROI of $38 for every $1 spent, according to the Direct Marketing Association).

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Ads That Leverage Technology The Right Way

Nearly all form of marketing is now technology-driven. But not all marketing technology strategies are successful. Here we discuss 10 campaigns where marketing and technology were intertwined seamlessly to meet the business objectives.  1. Apolosophy by Apotek The ad was made to introduce a new line of hair products by Apotek, a Swedish pharmacy brand. Place: […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Digital Marketing Must Reads Of November

Digital marketing reports and surveys released in November that every marketer should read.

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Posted By - Suzzane A

40 Insights To Help SMBs Leverage The Full Power Of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Goals 1. Driving sales and building brand awareness are top digital marketing goals of small and medium sized businesses (SMBs), as per 2016 Small Business Marketing Trends Report by Leadpages & Infusionsoft.  2. 82% SMBs claim that digital marketing is important to their company’s success, according to Small Business Digital Marketing and Social Media Habits in 2016 by Clutch […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Digital Marketing Must Reads Of October

Digital marketing reports and surveys released in October that you can't afford to miss.

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Digital Marketing Must Reads Of September

Category: Blog

These are the digital marketing reports and surveys released in September that you can’t afford to miss.  1. 2017 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America Report By Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs & Sponsored By Brightcove      Key Takeaways :  85% of B2B marketers attributed their organization’s increase in content marketing success rate to creating […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Data-guided Ways For B2B Businesses To Do Content Marketing

 Did you know that 59% of B2B marketers have no clarity on what an effective or successful content marketing program looks like? If you’re a B2B marketer then these 6 data-backed tips will help you keep confusion away from your content marketing strategy.    (Source: B2B 2017 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America By Content Marketing Institute)  1) Editorial […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

5 Research-backed Ways To Do Social Media Listening

1. Social Media Conversations – Listening With An Intent To Reply  Stephen Covey nailed it. Effective listening is an art. Great conversationalists listen more than they speak. They don’t listen to reply; they listen to understand what the other person is saying. Our eagerness to don the agony aunt hat makes us rush in with […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

5 Things Advertisers Need To Know About Dads

Dads hate shopping. Dads can't change diapers. Dads can't cook. Dads can't do this...dads can't do that. Well, it's time to change the way dads are stereotyped as clueless and incompetent when it comes to parenting.

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Posted By - Suzzane A

5 Data-backed Content Writing Techniques To Master

We think we know the answer. Are you still with us?  Have you already started scanning the content? If yes, then you’re not alone – you belong to a large group of users who don’t read but scan content for information.  According to the 2008 Nielsen study, users read at most 28% of the words during […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

TechShu is now Indus Net TechShu

It is an official announcement and a happy news for companies looking for the right cost, ROI-based digital marketing. TechShu is now Indus Net Techshu, where Indus Net have purchased a majority share in TechShu. Also with the new entity we’re officially the largest integrated digital marketing agency in Eastern India. Our commitment to become […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A