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Digital Marketing Must Reads Of November

Digital marketing reports and surveys released in November that every marketer should read. 

1. The Future of Social Media (And How to Prepare For It): The State of Social Media 2016 Report

No one has left Facebook.  93% of marketers use Facebook for their business and 91% have also invested in Facebook Ads. Read the full report here 

2. Omnichannel’s Missing Link: CMO Council Study

Despite the struggle to measure impact, digital experiences top marketers’ list of the most critical channels to achieve business outcomes. According to marketers, the top five most critical channels include digital advertising, corporate websites, mobile (including mobile web, search and messaging), social media and email. 

3. The Brands That Make Customers Feel Respected

Customers trust companies that they feel understand them. They respect companies that they believe respect them in return. Read More

4. Search Engine Optimization Strategy Survey Summary Report

Half of marketing influencers (50%) point to traffic generation as a most important goal for an effective SEO strategy to achieve + more useful insights for search marketers.