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Category: News

Is Facebook failing marketers?

Category: Blog News

Is Facebook failing marketers or are marketers failing Facebook?Facebook has long been a divisive advertising medium and the blue touchpaper was lit once again last week after Forrester released a report which didn’t mince its words in claiming Facebook was “failing marketers” by “abandoning social marketing”.   Once opinions were thrashed out online over the […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Analytics Firm Webtrends Decides to Invest More in Twitter Ads

Category: Blog News

B-to-B Marketer Webtrends Ups Twitter Spend to Collect Emails From Prospects

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Marks & Spencer marketing goes Digital for the first time!

Category: Blog News

Marks and Spencer is shifting its marketing approach to digital first, launching campaigns online before they appear on TV or in print as it looks to better engage with its customers. The change started with the “Leading Ladies” campaign, which launched on Facebook in September before rolling out to billboards, print and in-store. The same […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Implications of Google #Hummingbird Algo update

Category: Blog News

At a special event in the garage where Google was born, the company announced a new “Hummingbird” search algorithm is live and especially designed to handle complex queries. This update is complete different one as compared to Panda and Penguin. The earlier updates were the continuation of Caffine update. But this was will be a […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Google + has 90 Million Users; White House now on Google +

Category: News

Google + has crossed 90 million users mark since its launch in June last year. The social networking site was opened to the public on September 20. Since the launch of the social networking site, the search engine giant has been constantly working to promote it – by adding toolbars and other buttons on its […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Google Users to Find More Personalized Search Results

Category: News

Google is gearing up to provide more personalized search results by extracting data from its social network service Google+ in the coming days. This would include photos, news and comments posted on Google+. The new service christened ‘Search, Plus Your World’ will display additional content for people who log into Google by allowing access to […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Yahoo names PayPal President Scott Thompson as CEO

Category: News

Yahoo named Scott Thompson as its new CEO after running the company without a leader for four months, amidst several shareholders’ calls to sell the company. Thompson will relieve the company’s interim CEO Tim Morse who will return to his position as chief financial officer. The appointment of Thompson, previously the president of PayPal (under […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Microsoft eyes No. 2 Spot in Search Market as Yahoo Slips

Category: News

Microsoft Corp almost overtook Yahoo! Inc. for the second spot in the U.S. Internet search market in November after Microsoft’s Bing service recorded gains on other sites, according to ComScore Inc. ComScore said Microsoft accounted for 15 % of U.S. Internet queries for the month of November, up from 14.8 % the previous month. Yahoo! […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Google does a Barrel Roll

Category: News

Type in “do a barrel roll” in Google search and you will be surprised to see what follows next. The search term will manipulate the layout of its results page and the image in your browser will do a barrel roll!   iPhone users had discovered a similar phenomenon earlier this year in April when […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Facebook launches a New Security Feature called ‘Trusted Friends’

Category: News

Facebook has come up with another interesting feature that helps you get to your Facebook account in case if you forget your password. The novel feature is named ‘Trusted Friends’ that lets you log back by allowing you to take help from your friends on Facebook. The process starts with your choosing trusted five friends […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Bill Gross introduces a new social media platform called Chime.in

Category: News

Seasoned entrepreneur Bill Gross and owner of UberMedia of Pasadena is introducing a social media platform named  Chime.in to attract more users by centering itself around particular fields instead of the wider potpourri of topics that come on Facebook or Twitter. Gross had launched UberMedia as TweetUp Inc. in April 2010 as a medium to […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A

Facebook fixes the tracking problems with cookies

Category: News

Facebook said on Wednesay that the cookies error, which could have been used to track the users after they had logged out of the social-networking site, has been remedied. The cookies error was revealed by Australian blogger Nik Cubrilovic in a blog post earlier in the week.“Like every site on the internet that personalises content and tries […]

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Posted By - Suzzane A