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AI in PPC Services: Run Better Google Ads Campaigns with Chat GPT

AI in PPC Services: Run Better Google Ads Campaigns with Chat GPT

AI has changed the way we live, it has made our lives easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable. We can use AI-backed assistants to create marketing content, find information, or create videos and images with our imagination. 

In the same way, we can use Open AI’s Chat GPT to support pay-per-click services for your business. In this article, we are going to discuss how we can use Chat GPT to create better Google Ads campaigns.


The Game of Prompts

Yes, if you want to get the maximum out of Chat GPT you will need to come up with excellent prompts. Here, we need to focus on some quality prompts which can make our Google Ads stand apart from others.

So, what information we need to sharpen our ads? Let’s find out:


Target Audience

You can get what you desire from your ad campaign when your Ad reaches the right audiences at the right time. Therefore you’ll need to sculpt your campaign with the help of Chat GPT, Below are some prompts which you can use to fetch deep information through Chat GPT:


Taste and preferences

Example Prompts

  • What are the demographics of my ideal target audience?
  • What are the behaviours of my ideal target audience?
  • Where does my ideal target audience spend their time?
  • How do I reach my ideal target audience?

With the output from the above prompts, you can filter your efforts to net ideal customers for your ads.


Target audience segmentation

Example Prompts

  • Which audience segments are most likely to buy?
  • Which audience segments are most likely to convert into customers?

Chat GPT will suggest the interests and preferences of your target customers to segment your audiences.


Competitive analysis

Example Prompts

  • How can I make my ad campaigns stand out from my competitors?
  • How can I make my ad campaigns unique compared to my competitors?

Gaining information about your competitor’s target audience allows you to polish your ads to make them look unique.

Keyword Research


Did you realise lately that Chat GPT can also assist you to choose the right keywords for your campaign.


Key terms for your niche

Example Prompts

  • What are the most popular keywords in my industry?
  • What are the keywords that people are searching for in my industry?
  • What are the keywords that are driving traffic to my competitors’ websites?

Chat GPT can help you with the trending keywords that can drive traffic to your website.


Keyword clustering

  • What are the best ways to group keywords for better search engine optimization?
  • How can I use keyword grouping to improve my marketing campaigns?
  • List the most important factors to consider when grouping keywords?

Chat GPT can help to provide suggestions on keyword clusters on the basis of relevance and search intent.


Identifying irrelevant keywords

Example Prompts

  • Which keywords should I block to prevent my ads from showing for irrelevant searches?
  • Which keywords should I exclude to improve the relevance of my ads?
  • Which keywords should I exclude to improve my click-through rate?

Chat GPT can help you in listing negative keywords on the basis of your industry and niche, So that you can prevent your ads from showing up for unnecessary searches. In this way you can control your cost per click (CPC).

Writing ad content


Well crafted ad copies grab the attention of online audiences and help to drive conversions. Chat GPT is a great tool to generate engaging ad copies for your marketing campaigns.


Responsive search Ads (RSAs)

Example Prompts

  • Create different headline combinations for my RSAs using my target keywords.
  • Produce a range of headline variations for my RSAs that are tailored to my target keywords.

RSAs are a type of Google Ads that enables you to create multiple headlines and descriptions for your ads. Google ads management services then tests these ads automatically to find out which ads perform the best.

With the help of this method you are able to create deep penetrating ads within your niche without spending time on creating a lot of ad copies.

Chat GPT can produce the required number of headlines and descriptions within no time.


Audience specific Ad copies

Example Prompts

  • Craft ad messaging that appeals to luxury travellers.
  • Write an ad copy that speaks to the needs and desires of high-end travellers.

If you want to create ads that are more personalised to your target audience, Chat GPT can help you to generate awesome audience specific ad copies.

Creating sense of urgency

Example Prompts

  • What language can I use to make my ads more persuasive and engaging?
  • What language can I use to create a sense of scarcity and exclusivity?

Create more persuasive ad copies with the help of Chat GPT.


AI can never replace human talent, but it can save time and effort. If you can make the required adjustments you can create quality work through Chat GPT in very less time. Remember to always check the output of Chat GPT, sometimes it may provide confusing or incorrect information.


Are you in search of an expert pay-per-click service provider?

TechShu is a proficient Pay Per Click service provider, Our team is very experienced in terms of knowledge and execution. PPC is not about just running the ads, it is about following the process, brainstorming, and thinking in the right direction.

We have 17 years of experience in the core PPC field. We have worked with Giants, we have worked with agencies, we have worked with non-profit organizations, and we have worked with US, UK, Australian, Canadian, and Europe clients apart from Indian clients. We have explored almost all possible corners of PPC and when we say that, PPC is not about Google AdWords only, PPC also has Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter and we are experts in all of them. 

If you want to connect with our PPC experts please fill up the form here and we will connect with you over an evaluation call: https://www.techshu.com/contact-us/.