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How One Wrong Strategy Turned The Table for a Big Brand

Team India lost the semifinal to Australia. It’s indeed sad, disappointing, disheartening for the countrymen. While many people started bashing certain team members for the loss, some started creating memes that are still trolling. Some of them are harmless jokes while some of them are a little hurtful. But one incident showed that come what may, people in India are proud of their team.

Wondering what’s that?

Times Now organized a post-match discussion and started a hashtag #ShamedAtSydney. But to the channel’s utter surprise, millions of anti Times Now tweets with #ShameOnTimeNow flooded the micro blogging site.

As a result, #ShamedAtSydney did not trend, but #ShameOnTimeNow did. 

 We’ve gathered a couple of hilarious tweets here.  Liked Andaz Apna Apna? You’ll love it too.

Situation of Arnab Goswami. #ShameOnTimesNow pic.twitter.com/HyNsbAHet5

— Inadvertent Indian (@sushants_in) March 26, 2015

Some hilarious tweets that would surely tickle your fun bone:

A number of people outraged on Twitter demanding the channel’s apology to Team India.

Some people even appealed to fellow tweeps to block Times Now and bring down their follower count drastically.

Hundreds of tweeps blocked them on Twitter:

This is the ultimate example of hasty social media strategy. As we always keep saying “understand your audience first to serve them better”, is again proved right.