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Why Quality Content has taken the Centre-stage of SEO?

Content is Back again with all its importance like a KING. After Panda and Penguin, all  search marketers are focusing on quality and informative content. Content marketing has become more relevant and social signals are directly proportional to the search rankings. The more people like the content, chances are higher that it would rank high. In general, content (I am talking about write ups only) is of two types: Website Content and Article content. No doubt website content would be main focus of overall digital marketing plan. But do not forget to gain the social signals pointing towards your website. How do you will get the social signals via your content? Here comes content marketing where visitors will like the content, would tend to share the same, will bookmark it and search bots will catch the signals providing more value to those write ups (and of course the links in it). See below: 

Quality Content has taken the Centre-stage of SEO - Blog by TechShu

We can market informative content via these channels like: Guest posts, Infographics, PPT, Whitepapers, PDFs and so on. But why visitors will read your article and would like it? There are billions of pages and thousands of blog posts on the same topic. So what you will do to keep yourself a different one and make the visitors to read your blog? Steps to make informative and unique article:

  • As SEO managers have the most knowledge regarding the industry (as they are involved in day to day marketing of a particular website), they should share the knowledge and theme of an article with the content writers.
  • The SEO associate would come up with a unique idea as how an article would be worth social shareable.
  • Ask the content writers to do some research on the theme and put more information in terms of data, demography, attractive title etc.

How to generate quality articles when resources are stringent:

  • If the team is involved in guest posts, resources are limited for a particular industry.
  • The challenge is really tough one when the team has to move on building quality links keeping in mind socially shareable articles to be delivered as this will add more values to the website.
  • The best strategy would be to increase the base of bloggers and come up with more unique article ideas.
    • Example: Say you are dealing with car rental service project.
    • Probable targeted bloggers will be (and the blog theme side by side)
      • Auto – Auto rental service market
      • Travel – 10 Basic checklist while you travel to Canada
      • Finance/Market Research – Car rental services add $40 billion a year
      • Business services – 8 essential services near your locality
      • Airport – How to hire a car from Airport
      • Self Employment – 10 highly profitable self employment opportunities
      • Training – Driving training courses in Canada
  • By broadening the base of the bloggers and generating unique content, the chances of your article being shared increase.

As an SEO professional, you have to take more responsibility in guiding the content writers so that your marketing efforts become visible and really measurable. And dear content writers please avoid writing average content as it has no value. Try to enrich the content in terms of information and references.

Quality Content is very important for SEO - Blog by TechShu

