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Why FAQ Sections are Important for Ranking

Why FAQ Sections are Important for Ranking

Over the past couple of years, you indeed have seen the FAQ section on almost every website you have been to. What’s the reason behind this? Have you ever wondered? Well, this is the best way to bring potential customers to your website and give the answer the querying user is looking for! 

FAQs importance in the business

Most commonly, FAQs include questions related to your services or products. If someone is looking for questions related to your offerings and you already have answered those questions in your FAQs section, your website will likely appear on SERP. As per the best digital marketing company in Kolkata, FAQ’s section helps increase organic traffic and reaches out to the targeted audience.

How Do FAQs Help?

Well, correct FAQs can give enormous benefits. It improves user experience, and conversion rates and stands out your website among the crowd. However, you should include only essential and well-developed FAQs. Including unnecessary and random FAQs will not give you any benefits. 

If the user is willing to invest in something, obviously, he wants information from scratch. You’ll be more likely to convert a user into a sale by answering all the questions correctly. This is the best practice suggested by the social media marketing agency in Kolkata

FAQs are the perfect blend of high-quality and relevant content. 

Why do you need to add FAQs?

  • Gives the exact answer a user is looking for
  • Improves a user experience
  • Results in better bounce rate and increased conversion rates
  • High quality and relevant content results in better ranking on the SERP 

If you require help in curating a well-developed FAQs section, you can take the help of the best digital marketing company in Kolkata

Best ways to write FAQs

There are many ways of finding the right set of FAQs. However, in the first place, you should know what people are searching for? 

For example – you are writing a travel blog on visiting Virginia, so you should include all the questions that a traveler can ask related to the topic. So, understanding the user’s perspective is more crucial than anything else. A social media marketing agency in Kolkata follows the same approach. 

So, below are the ways one must follow while picking and writing FAQs.

1. Check the “People also ask” column

Finding the relevant question here will be the best approach. Just search for your service-relevant keyword on Google and boom, you got your questions.

So take the relevant question from this section or create new questions similar to the already asked questions. This technique helps you to get the most worthy questions.

2. Do the keyword research

Every strategy is incomplete without keyword research, whether it’s organic marketing, paid marketing, writing content, social media marketing, or anything else. You cannot skip this part. 

So, search for the keywords relevant to your services or products, and check their search volume on any keyword research tool. Accordingly, find the FAQs. 

Further, you can also find the most likely asked questions on Quora.

3. Keep the answer short and simple

When someone is searching for any query on Google, it means they are looking for a straight-to-the-point and short answer. So while writing an answer, make sure that you are not writing very long answers; keep them short, and insightful, and mention the link that goes back to your services or products. 

Long and wordy answers do not impress the users and as a result, you will lose the potential customer.

4. Format your FAQs well

Well, many people focus on searching and writing FAQs and forget about their formatting, which is a vital part. How you organize FAQs is indirectly proportional to the users’ response. 

You can add them to the heading and subheading sections. Most people add them at the end of the article. But adding them into the middle of the relevant topics can provide you with better results. 

Bottom line

Now you have learned the impact of FAQs on your content, make sure you are doing your research well before adding them to the content.

Also follows all the crucial points that we have mentioned in this article, including keyword research, formatting, etc. 

Have any questions related to the FAQs? Comment below, and we will get back to you with another well-researched article.