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SEO in 2021 Vs. 2022: Predictions You Can’t Ignore

SEO in 2021 Vs. 2022: Predictions You Can’t Ignore

Due to the constant evolution of user behavior and the adaptations made by search engines such as Google, SEO has evolved into a process of acting on well-researched predictions based on what and how internet users search frequently.

TechShu’s SEO experts in Kolkata were spot on in their SEO forecast for 2021. Let’s take a look at each one of them:

  • Increase in the Application of NLU, NER, and NLP

It is Google’s way of interpreting the undertone or feeling of keywords or phrases on a page by examining the content surrounding them.

2021 saw the birth of MUM (Multitask Unified Model), an evolution of the BERT algorithm. The AI-based technology aims to respond to complex queries, improving the online search experience. 

Such algorithmic updates improve Search Quality by bridging the gap between User Intent and Search Relevancy. 

  • Low-Value Links will Backfire

Google has a long history of favoring quality, relevant, and natural link acquisition.

In July 2021, Google rolled out a “Link Spam” Update targeting unnatural link patterns from guest blogs, affiliate links, and sponsored content. 

Therefore, our SEO experts in Kolkata develop a tailored strategy to earn links from authentic websites, industry publications, and media outlets to avoid Google-induced bloodbaths. 

  • “Rank Turbulence” will hit the News. 

SEMRush data indicates that December was the most turbulent month for Google Search in 2021. SEO forums and Reddit were flooded with conversation around tools that showed high turbulence and websites with massive traffic drops.

  • Google’s Competition will witness Search Growth.

An undisputed King of the online search arena, Google has many competitors trying to rub shoulders with the Search Giant. 

As of December 2021, Bing, operated by Microsoft, accounted for over 7% of the global search market. Meanwhile, Google had a market share of 86.19%, whereas Yahoo controlled 2.77%. Baidu also gained some ground, with a market share of 0.56%.

Predictions for 2022 by TechShu’s SEO experts in Kolkata:

  • AI and Automation will Dominate

High-quality, AI-assisted content and data analysis will gain prominence in 2022, thanks to Google’s Artificial Intelligence algorithm, RankBrain. 

For Bloggers, Content Creators, and Social Media Marketing Consultants, it implies crafting and optimizing multilingual content for a global audience. Additionally, it will help increase the click-through rate and average time spent on a page. 

Moreover, automating repetitive tasks like tracking rank, monitoring brand mentions, analyzing keyword intent will translate to more free time to anticipate opportunities and plan strategies. 

  • Google will expand its footprint in Search.

Multimedia-rich content will see a boom in the SERP ecosystem. 

Supporting your keyword-rich content with relevant visuals like infographics, videos, etc., will boost linkability and web crawler diagnostics. 

Furthermore, Google My Business improves your Local Rankings and allows you to add photos of your products/services, which serves as a mini-tour of your website without visiting it. 

  • Google will introduce constant updates.

Throwing bombshells disguised as Algorithmic Updates is second nature to Google, and ranking fluctuations is the name of the game. 

  • Google will broaden SERP Features.

SERP features facilitate an abundance of information than standard organic results.

Featured snippets, People Also Ask, Local Map, Paid Ads are some of the must-know SERP features. 

Our team of SEO experts in Kolkata and Advertisers optimizes them to boost above-the-fold visibility and organic traffic. 

  • Google will Expand its Knowledge Graph with User Data.

Google Knowledge Graph is to thank, in case you ever searched a query and were presented with a relevant answer without clicking through to one of the results.

The database sources its information from open data links extracted from structured websites. 

Preparing for the Future:

Change is the only constant when it comes to the SEO landscape. Thus, staying updated and springing into action to leverage the latest developments is the only mantra to reap the benefits of steady online visibility and drive qualified traffic.  

Do you want to up your SEO game but don’t know where to start? Fret no more – Our team of SEO experts in Kolkata and Social Media Marketing Consultants has contributed to multiple clients’ success across industries by developing and deploying meaningful tactics. 

We are more than willing to come to your rescue if given a chance.