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Must-Reads of June 2017

Useful insights for digital marketers released in June. 

1) eMarketer US Mobile Time Spent and Activities StatPack 2017 

This report highlights –

  • Time spent with mobile, by device, channel and activity
  • Leading activities conducted on smartphones
  • Leading activities conducted on tablets

Read more here

2) 2017 Consumer Digital Usage and Behavior Study

This study lays out major trends in consumer usage and behavior of different technologies and devices in digital (web and email), mobile, and social media. According to one of the findings, email still reigns as the most preferred  communication channel. Read the detailed report here

3) Consumer Trust Survey

A look at consumer usage and attitudes towards user-generated visual content. Read more here

4) The Cost of Creativity: Where and Why Brands are Investing in 2017

See how the average marketing budget breaks down, as well as how content investment varies across industry vertical, size of marketing budget, and B2B versus B2C brands. Read more here

5) The Most Hated Online Advertising Techniques By Nielsen Norman Group

Research on the advertising techniques that are the most disruptive and detrimental for the modern user experience. Here’s what they found 

Modal ads, ads that reorganize content, and autoplaying video ads were among the most disliked. Ads that are annoying on desktop become intolerable on mobile.

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6) Rewiring Your Marketing Organization for Digital

Facebook and Deloitte created and conducted a robust study to assess the perceived maturity of qualities and characteristics that define digital and prepare organizations for the future of marketing. Here’s what they found outCulture is a barrier to “being” digital: Forty-one percent of respondents do not believe that their current organizational culture supports digital adoption Organizational structure hasn’t been adapted for digital: Fifty-one percent of respondents do not agree that structure is becoming less defined by formal roles and levels Marketing organizations need to become more agile: Forty-six percent of respondents do not agree that their organization can manage unplanned change without it slowing them down

Read more here