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Must Read Digital Marketing Insights – March 2017

1) Touching The Infinite. A Report On The 2017 Adobe Mobile Maturity Survey 

The survey benchmarks mobile marketing and development tactics and investments, and evaluates leading companies’ progress toward increasing mobile maturity and being mobile-first. Read more here

2) User Engagement Top 100 Report Email Marketing in E-Commerce

Companies providing deals and discounts, such as Groupon, send marketing blasts more often, typically once per day. Apparel and floral and gifting were among the industries on the highest end of the spectrum. Read more insights here

3) Global Trends in Mobile Advertising: Q4 2016

 In-app advertising is eating (and arguably already has eaten) mobile. Read more insights on mobile advertising here

4) What’s A Share Worth? The Impact Of Organic Conversation On Web Traffic

Content resonates more when it’s shared from people the visitor follows or knows, instead of content shared from the brand. Read more here

5) 2017 Email Marketing Benchmark Report

This 2017 report documents campaigns according to 29 different industry/sector classifications. Read more here

6) The Science of Social Video: Turning Views into Value

Consumers are spending an average of six hours per week watching video content on social media networks alone. Read more here