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Content Marketing: Data-backed Insights To Help You Plan Your Content Strategy

Your audience wants an exceptional content experience  – the right content, in the right language, at the right time, in the right format, and on the right device – Every Time. Here’s a list of Indian brands who have successfully mastered the art of content marketing. If you are looking for a content marketing agency, get in touch with our marketing team.

Content marketing has been there for ages – Poor Richard’s Almanack (1732),The Michelin Guides, and Modern Methods of Antiseptic Wound Treatment (1888) are all early examples of content marketing. Hundreds of years later, businesses are still leveraging the power of content, albeit in different forms – be it Proctor and Gamble “Thank You Mom” campaign, Lay’s “Do Us A Flavor” campaign or the famous “Dunk In The Dark” tweet by Oreo. 

Over here we discuss 6 data-backed insights to up your content game – 

Insights To Help Content Marketers Plan Their Strategy 

Insight 1: Email is the most commonly used content marketing method 

As per this survey, two common methods agency marketers are using to nurture their audience are email campaigns and educational content ( such as how-to lists and buying guides).

Insight 2: Organic traffic is the key metric used for measuring content performance 

Creating actionable content is great, but at the end of the day what really matters is whether it’s driving results that you can measure. 

Insight 3: Consumers find user generated content (UGC) 9.8x more impactful than influencer content when making a purchasing decision

Consumers make countless decisions in a day whilst coping with increasing information overload. To avoid being burdened with irrelevant information, they develop certain habits or short cuts that help them make an informed decision. Listening to other users creating and sharing feedback of a product/service ( remember traditional word of mouth?) is one such habit that consumers find useful. After all, consumers trust each other the most). UGC is the new word of mouth for the digital consumers.

Insight 4: 55% of shoppers globally say they use online video while actually shopping in-store

The Think with Google study found that consumers across the globe are using video in interesting ways at the end of their shopping journeys. Videos featuring DIY ideas or tutorials can remind people what they came to the store to buy. “If I go to a store and forget what I need, I pull up the video to see the ingredients. I pull to the side, watch the video, and get what I need,” said a respondent. 

Insight 5: Visual content (videos and infographics) and text-based content (blogs and ebooks) remain the most popular content types

Despite the fact that more marketers are investing heavily on videos, blog post still remains an important content type.

The ideal content length for more social shares stands between 1,000 and 2,000 words.

Also, the same study found that long headlines (14 – 17 words in length) get more social shares. “Why Posts”, “What Posts” and Infographics are just the right content types to acquire more backlinks. 

Insight 6: Paid memes see engagement rates of about 30% across Facebook and Instagram

Meme marketing is here to stay. Paid memes see engagement rates that are far above the rates of 1%-15% seen for influencer or branded content posts on Facebook and Instagram. Brands from Uber to Netflix are turning to meme accounts to connect with the younger audience. Uber collaborated with Jesse Margolis, who runs the popular funny accounts “Overheard LA” and “Overheard New York” to create “Overheard Uber”.

Learn more such useful insights on content from experts at Digital Marketing University .