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6 Pillars of Video Marketing

Visual is the future of content marketing. And when it comes to visuals, videos are, perhaps, the most engaging and popular media content. It’s not just a saying, now we have data to support it.  According to Wishpond, human brain processes visuals 60,000X faster than text. It’s also proven that 90% of information that our brain registers is visual (Source – Visual Teaching Alliance: ). If you have a video on your landing pages, your conversion rate may go up by 86% (Source – Eye View Digital). Another study by Demand Metric stated that 70% of marketers have already included videos in their marketing.  

So, videos are important. Ain’t they? 

But the issue with video marketing is just the same as content marketing, namely content overload. In such a scenario, if you fail to be exceptional with your visuals, you fail to satisfy your customers.   

Here are 6 pillars of video marketing that you must keep in mind to succeed.

Goal and metrics:

 First and foremost, you need to decide what you want to achieve with your videos. Is it an effort to create brand awareness? Or a way to promote your products or services? Or a means to establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche? Define it first.

After determining your goal, select the right metrics, so you can measure your marketing efforts. For some, the number of shares defines success while for some it’s all about subscription. Choose wisely.  

Dollar Shave Club wanted to launch their product with a killer content. And they launched it with this video. Within a few hours, this spot was featured in platforms like Mashable and TechCrunch. All they wanted was brand awareness, and they got it all with just one video.  

Target audience:

They are the people, who would be interested to see your videos. In order to ensure that your content is relevant to them, analyze their online behavior. What is their age group? What is their education level? What are their favorite brands doing with videos? How would they adopt creative content? All the answers will help you create your video better.


McDonald’s always educates their audience about their products. And their videos are totally in sync with the motto. In this video, you will see how they creatively show the history of their famous fries. Again, user generated content has proven to be a winner’s formula. 


This ensures that your videos appear on search results, whenever your audience searches with a relevant keyword. Since video is a widely shared content on digital media platforms, your video too stands a chance to appear on search results, provided you take care of all the required SEO factors.  

 We ran a search query on Google and got 3 YouTube videos on the first page. However, the drill is, you need to keep SEO factors like title, description, keywords in mind while posting your video on the concerned platform.  

Add CTA:

Even the greatest of videos may go unnoticed if you don’t add a call to action. A video CTA can be anything ranging from a request for channel subscription or follow to a visit your webpage. You need to decide what action do you want your audience to take and set the CTA accordingly.  

 The secret of a successful video marketing strategy lies with the fact that your audience resonates well with your content and at the same time, does whatever you ask them to do in return. If they answer your CTA positively, you should know that they are expecting more from you. So, here your responsibilities go higher.  


You have created a great video, keeping all the above factors in mind. What’s next? You are due distributing it on various social networks. Don’t underestimate social media cross-promotion, even if you are satisfied with one platform. And don’t forget mobile. 

If you create a video for YouTube, you will attract Google traffic for it. You also need to make sure that there is something for your mobile consumers as well. Video apps like Vine and Instagram would help you attain this.  

Consistency is the key:

As they say, if you start doing something, do it with consistency. Video marketing is not an exception. Start with a proper plan and resource backup that would help you create video content at a regular interval.  

 It ensures brand awareness on your part, and brand trust on your consumers’ part. Moreover, you should not expect a regular and significant amount of traffic to your website with just a few videos in your kitty. It’s a rigorous but money-spinning process.  So, what’s your take on video marketing? Do you think it’s more effective than images? Do you need your own video marketing plan? Send us your opinion or queries.