If you keep a record of the best content marketing brands in the world, Red Bull would surely be included in the list. If you are only acquainted with Red Bull as an energy drink manufacturing company, we would like to inform you that they are also a big media house. But how is Red Bull different than other brands as a content marketer? Let’s find out.
For Red Bull, branding is very important. Their brand voice is witty and humorous with their tagline: Red Bull Gives You Wings. Be it any content type, you can always find the signature feel and tone in it. Take this Pigeon ad for instance. https://sharevideo.redbull.com/?autoStart=false&socialHover=Share%20or%20embed&isVid=true&closedCaptionsHover=Subtitles&templateLoadHandler=brightcove.brightTemplateLoadHandler&link=https://www.redbull.com&bctid=3195930140001&showNoContentMessage=false&video=3195930140001&bgcolor=#000000&logoHover=Go%20to%20redbull.com&qualityHover=Change%20quality&includeAPI=true&bckey=AQ~~,AAAB051hMkE~,GF6aXC8LXBO0BLdnyjdvnjUWRoR3jfpi&isRTL=false&isUI=true&jumpHover=Jump%20backwards&onsiteSettings=false,false,false,true&player=AQ~~,AAAB051hMkE~,GF6aXC8LXBO0BLdnyjdvnjUWRoR3jfpi&bcpid=4169950463001&element=[object%20HTMLDivElement]&startTime=1434527026703&endscreenTitle=false&relatedcontent=true,true All of their ads, campaigns and cartoons give a hint of bringing out something special out of a person. Generally, it’s seen that many brands deviate from the core brand message when they start creating a huge number of content regularly. But with Red Bull, it’s definitely not the case.
Red Bull never tries to sell, because they know sales-y content disturbs the normal cadence of an user’s experience . Blame it on the content overload or not, today’s audience don’t want to be sold. They want entertainment. Red Bull understands it and always creates content in that line.
They always create content that promotes an extreme lifestyle. Sometimes it’s too extreme for an average individual while sometimes some people dare to adopt it. But the brand keeps creating content that inspires some people to do things beyond the so-called ‘possible’ ideas. And this is the fact that makes them very different from others.
Finding the right partners for your business is the biggest decision. If you are lucky, you would find the like-minded partners easily. Red Bull seems to be one of those lucky lot. They not only find the right partners all the time, but also promote their brand in the largest way possible.
This is a screenshot from 2011’s big hit “Art of Flight. You can find the logo of Red Bull multiple times during the movie. However, one thing is worth your notice here. Not only their partners are like-minded, but their audience too seems to think in the same line. This is the reason that they are Red Bull’s biggest brand advocates.
Just look at the number of Likes and Shares, a general post gets on Red Bull’s Facebook page. You can imagine how strong a community could be to generate such a huge engagement.
Red Bull goes with quantity along with quality, when it comes to content creation. And strangely, it always works for them. They create random content pieces with one idea and share different forms on different social networks. This again proves that they not only knows their audience but also are very well aware of the DNA of all the social networks, they are into.
Another noteworthy thing about their content marketing is, they don’t hesitate to invest on their content, their weird ideas, extreme sports enthusiasts and above all their audience.
You too must have taken some risks while creating content for your audience, as there is always a scope for experiments. For a brand like Red Bull, the risk is higher, since a brand value is already there in their audience’s mind. But they seem to be quite confident while creating weird content and presenting them to their audience.
From extreme action sports sponsorship to playing with naughty ideas on their cartoon, they never hesitate to take risks. This is probably the idea that their audience finds their approach attractive and unique.
Do you follow Red Bull’s content on different medias? What’s your favorite thing about them? Share with us.