Bart van Olphen has a novel idea: he wants to teach how to cook sustainable fish dishes. His Instagram videos are helping his idea turn into reality. Bart’s Fish Tales, known as the world’s shortest cooking show, already has over 43,000 followers on Instagram.
The videos run for 15 seconds and Olphen knows that in such a short space of time it isn’t possible to show elaborate recipes. Which is why he chooses recipes that are simple yet delectable. “Our goal is a new video every week. Those mainly serve to inspire responsible eating, and show how easily a seafood dish can be prepared—so many people still believe seafood is difficult to cook,” explains Bart over an email to Forbes. Olphen’s initiative on social media platforms is going a long way toward spreading the word about sustainable fishing. Around a month back his Facebook Page ran a campaign promoting Ali’s (who is a fisherman in Maldives and a firm practicer of sustainable fishing) Tuna.
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