(Next is forcefully added by our accounts team 🙂 thus we deleted all the text they said, as we feel we are compensated well, compensated as a mother) On a serious note: Why 2017 needs all agencies to act like a mother to their clients?
Be #MaJaisiDigitalAgency
2017, we have declared it as the prime year for Digital in India. Why we need to behave like a mother to our clients:
Digital is getting a serious business, next 2 years assuming it to be over 25% of marketing spend, some of us are realizing and some of us are not So it’s important we take digital seriously and plan short term and long term. Things you must keep in mind for long term
Asset level strength for long term like Flexibility – How fast can you get your new campaign up and live, Backups – When there is threat, how fast can you recover your data and get back to act etc
Enchancers – Branding works very differently on digital, instead of leaving it on the prospect to recall, you can retouch the contacts the right way using a mix of CRM, Loyality Progrmas, Remarketing, automation etc
Utility campaigns – How you can build something that can give dividends for connect.
Think Sustainability along with ROI – Long-term planning needs a different outlook. A part of money to be invested on “Invest today, get return this year itself, calculate ROI”, sustainability will come with organic growth either in Search Engine Organic (if your marketing is search intense) or User-to-User Utility Campaigns.
There is a talent issue at multiple levels, even at clients’ level, it’s important we be frank and explain our apprehension than taking their words as a command, recently when someone asked for a social media pitch, we gave them digital pitch focused on social media, they changed the RFQ to digital. Wrong people at any level is a serious reason for failure, do read our article https://www.entrepreneur.com/author/aji-issac
Address the needs before you address the want: Let’s do this campaign but if you don’t have the infrastructure to hold the connect, it will have a lot of wastage, so invest right.
Become caring before you show your talent, care is needed to understand each side.
Charge and pay right, it’s wise to invest 10 to get 20 than to invest 5 and lose all. Value the opportunity as much as the risk; now opportunity more than risk. Invest wisely (risk wisely) and capture the opportunity.
And much more.
Wishing all a happy Mother’s Day. Have a successful digital year.