Are you an avid Twitter user? Do you use it for marketing, branding or just because you love the network? Whatever your reason is, you must have noticed that every user is unique on Twitter. Some people just love to talk, some belong to the so-called elite class thus only speak to Twitter celebs, some only RT, some keep favoritizing tweets, some share knowledge, while some people just prefer to stalk others.
* Image : webdig We have been monitoring these attributes very closely and have come across five broad categories for twitterati. Let’s see what are these and how you can differentiate one from the rest:
Influeners, also known as thought leaders are the ones who start most of the conversations on your timeline. They not necessarily engage with you every time you tag them, reply them or RT them. They have huge following however the follow-count is way too less than their following count. Mostly it’s seen that they follow either their friends and personal connections or other influencers. Most of their tweets get huge RTs and favorites, no matter if it’s a link or a general weather update. Influencers are generally humble. For example, if you keep RTing them religiously, they would notice it and take out a few moments to thank you. Having said this, they are still considered as the elite class of Twitter and thereby the most sought-after tweeps to get a follow-back or RT. If they RT one of your tweets, it would increase the reach by at least 50%. If you already follow a few of them, you must know how it feels like when they occasionally thank you or RT one of your tweets or, even better, start following you! Such is the magic of these influencers.
They love to talk or should we say broadcast! They are so much into sharing niche articles and information that sometimes you would feel that their sole purpose of being on Twitter is either to send traffic to a particular website or to educate Twitter audiences. Since their purpose of being in the network is to reach a greater audience with their tweets, they generally follow each person, who follows them. For this reason, they have almost 1:1 ratio when it comes to follower and follow. So, getting a follow-back , if you are targeting broadcasters, is not difficult. But don’t expect RTs. Broadcasters don’t generally talk with anyone. There are scarcity of general posts without links on their profile. But as they have high followers, their posts often get a decent reach. But if you are looking at interacting with them or getting a reply from them, you are going to be disheartened.
Like broadcasters, they also love to talk, but unlike the former, conversationalists love to talk back. As the name suggests, conversationalists are always eager to make social media conversations. So, if you want to talk, conversationalists would not give you a hard time. When it comes to content, they are equally efficient with links and geneal updates. And if you are looking for current social affairs, they are the first to tweet about it. They have more followers than they follow. They are good engagement-makers on the space and for this reason, they are the blue-eyed group for Twitter contest organizers. Their tweets get high RT and favorites. They have a strong community around them with a strong fan-following. But unlike the Twitter celebrities, their tweets get the maximum attention, when their followers are online. If their followers are not online or miss their tweets, their updates don’t get the required or deserved reach.
They are the most ambitious type of Twitter user. They invest a good deal of time and energy to find and follow industry influencers on Twitter. The only reason being they want to network with them. When it comes to follower and follow ratio, it’s almost 1:1. Many of them work for big brands and therefore hold fancy job titles. For this reason, tweeps easily get attracted towards them. If they follow you, they expect a follow-back. However, if you fail to provide them with enough value, they would not think twice to unfollow you. Being associated with huge brand names, networkers have access to high-end Twitter tools like HootSuite or Buffer. They are often seen to initiate conversations with influencers by replying to their tweets or tagging them in.
Bots, as the same suggests, are those tweeps, who behave like a robot on the space. Some experts also call them stalkers. They have more follows than followers, for the simple reason that they remain dormant or never disclose their true identity. Their only activity is, spreading spammy messages on the network. They don’t interact with anyone, although occasional RT and favorites are common for them. They track niche hashtags religiously. If you tweet anything with a popular hashtag of its niche, they would definitely RT or favorite it, without a miss. When it comes to posting, they preferably post links and RT popular niche tweets. Some bot Twitter accounts have high follower count. So, if you want to cash on their follower number, all you need to do is, tweet with the concerned hashtag. Your turn: As they say, everyone has a purpose to serve and so do these tweeps. Know them to deal with them in an improved fashion. This will make your Twitter experience better than ever!