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SEO Packages Vs Custom SEO Pricing

SEO Packages Vs Custom SEO Pricing

There is always a debate between packages SEO and custom priced SEO, what’s better? We have never put a packaged SEO as we were catering to people through referrals. Most of our customers are through referrals. Now when we are scaling up and reaching out to more and more people (through Ads, Social Media and Search Engine Ranking), we see a need for packages.

SEO Packages are for defined work

There are many of the work that we do like building profit blocks, this is a 2 to 6 months work with fixed outcomes. We can define that under a package. Also there are smaller packages like Google Local Optimization (Bring the ranking for 2+ keywords in 3 to 4 months, a kick start package) which can be put under packages. 

Packages are for quick start

Many of our customers are new to the SEO field, so they want to see what I will get in return before even talking to us. That’s where a package helps, they can see all deliverables at one place, they can see pricing, they can see timeline and they can calculate the value from the service. It’s easy to start.

Not everything should be defined in package

Even when we have packages, we don’t put everything in the package. There are many services which are open ended and we define deliverables on a monthly/quarterly basis. We put the metrics in place and report every month

Packages or no packages, Goal is same

The end goal is to track the deliverables, understand the timeline, see the ROI and also understand the deliverables (on how it will help in the business). Please let us know if you need any help in terms of understand digital marketing metrics, ROI tracking etc.

  1. https://techshu.com/services/digital-marketing-roi
  2. https://techshu.com/services/organic-paid-growth
  3. https://techshu.com/pricing/paying-for-organic-or-sales-growth
  4. https://techshu.com/pricing/roi-metrics
  5. https://techshu.com/pricing/are-you-paying-enough