Have you noticed a reduced organic reach for your Facebook posts these days? Decreased organic reach has been the talk of the town for some time now. Speculations and anticipations are everywhere. Is it going to be zero soon? Well, you can be relieved as of now. Facebook organic reach is not dead. However, it may continue to move downwards. Worried? Don’t be.
Facebook punishes overly promotional content: Facebook recently announced that they were going to remove overly promotional content from the news feed. This very update is the center of all confusions. Facebook expert, Jon Loomer said, “Users don’t like being sold to. If you share content with the primary goal of getting a sale or install, expect it to perform poorly in the news feed. If you really want people to see it, promote it with an ad.” It happens all the time. Users prefer non-promotional content over promotional stuff. Facebook wants the network to be more user-friendly. If you want to show your promotional content to your viewers, you need to pay. Facebook prioritizes most engaging content: Per the latest algorithm of Facebook, the social networking giant wants to show the most engaging posts to their users. In other words, the more popular a story, the more irrelevance it gets from Facebook. Considering the limited space available for the news feed, if you want your content to appear, you either need to run ads or create great content. Reach and clicks are not related: There are so many marketers, who nurture a myth that more likes, comments or shares would earn a post more value. Wrong! The ultimate look-out should be, how the content helps your business. If your posts reach out to more people, it may not essentially help you in getting more leads. Let’s clear the air with an example. A Facebook post gets 100 likes and 3 website clicks and another gets 40 likes and website 20 clicks. Which would be the preferable situation among these two for your business? Answer it yourself.
Facebook rules are same for every brand. If you are facing the issue of reduced organic reach, everyone else is too. In spite of that, many brands are still getting noticed, organically. How does it happen? What’s their magic? Less is more: Always post quality content and that should overshadow your competitors. Use graph search and Facebook insights to understand what kind of content resonates well with your audience. Remember, Facebook is not a place, where you can post throughout the day. According to Social Bakes, most successful brands post once day.
If you compare the number of posts to their reach, you will also find out that those who post oncs or twice a day, get way more engagement than those who post multiple times.
Talk to them: Plan your Facebook content calender ahead with a minimalist approach. Create content in advance. Schedule them. And keep a buffer time for interaction and engagement. Many times, it’s seen that we waste time on unplanned posts. This leaves us with no room for interaction with our audience. Facebook offers a wonderful medium to talk to you customers directly. Use it. Consider posting at unusual times: Facebook Insights let us know about the time slots when our fans come online. The data is very important to understand when to post. But have you ever considered your target audience’s behavior to decide your post time? Facebook is visited by over 750 million people each day. So, posting at the time when everyone does, is not a good idea, if you want to attract them with your content. Think posting in different time slots. Do it when no one does. Think differently. Almost everyone checks his Facebook news feed once before calling it a day. You can try that time while most of your competitors would think of posting during the busy hours. Use the targeting options: Facebook recently updated post targeting options for business pages. Interests and Post End Date are the latest additions.
‘Interests’ targeting is the most intriguing part. And if optimally used, it can give you amazing results, as it will be shown to people, who have actual interest on the subject.
After setting the target, you will find a certain number of people as your target audience, which is much lower than your fan-base. You need to measure your engagement on that. You will find that your reach has increased to a certain degree. Create unavoidable images: Facebook audience loves images. However, almost all the businesses know the drill and do their activities accordingly. In this scenario, if you want to attract some eyeballs, you need to be class apart. The only way to do it, create original and great images. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?app_id=&channel=https%3A%2F%2Fstaticxx.facebook.com%2Fx%2Fconnect%2Fxd_arbiter%2F%3Fversion%3D46%23cb%3Df3f6463f6067b18%26domain%3Dwww.techshu.com%26is_canvas%3Dfalse%26origin%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.techshu.com%252Ff1367880926ad8%26relation%3Dparent.parent&container_width=1110&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fadidas%2Fposts%2F885819804774273%3A0&locale=en_US&sdk=joey&width=466 Adidas never misses a single chance to amaze its viewers with their images. Fix a budget for ads: We repeat, Facebook organic reach is not dead. However, Facebook ads can give your posts the desired push. Decide an everyday budget for each of your posts. This would not affect your pocket, since you are posting less number of content with higher quality. Isn’t it? And don’t forget to target them well. Are you worried about your Facebook page’s reduced organic reach? There are measures to save the situation. Write to us. Let’s do it together.