Email marketing is important for all businesses that deal with people with an online life. When a business creates an email list, it includes all the people, who either willingly subscribe to the newsletters or feel interested in the services or products offered. Email lists are, for this reason, pretty valuable for generating leads, quality leads to be precise. In this article, we will show you how to increase email conversion rates with these 5 easy-to-do tips.
Keep it simple: When we say, keep it simple, we mean all the elements of an email, right from the subject line to the call-to-action button. Make the subject line catchy and at the same time easy to understand. It might sound obvious but an easy to subject line always performs better than a complicated one with jargons. Avoid too many images in one email. Also quit involving too many ideas or offers with multiple CTA buttons in one email campaign. This would create confusion in your audience’s mind.
Segment your email lists: A business might cater to different people with unique buyer personas. So, break up your email list into segments. Each group should confine to a particular persona. For example, if you are selling fashion accessories to women, you can segment separate groups for students, unmarried but working women, working moms, home-makers etc. This way you can ensure that your emails are reaching to the right people.
Create a more targeted email lists: Consider the email open rates and track the people, who all are consistently ignoring your emails. It would not be feasible to cut them out from the list. However, we would recommend creating a separate segment for them. Once you get rid of those people from the list, your open rates would automatically increase. Moreover, try to find out the buyer persona and geo-locations that work for your email campaigns. And include more and more people that belong to the group into your list.
Send emails at the right time: Timing is an important factor for sending out your emails. However, there is no pre-determined best time for email marketing. You need to try and find the best time for yourself. For example, if you are a B2B business, morning or late evening would work better for you. On the contrary, if you are a B2C company, you need to analyze your audience and their behavior. For example, if you are catering to moms, later half of the day or afternoon would be good, when their kids will be in school or away from home.
Avoid getting trapped into the spam folder: Don’t get trapped into the spam folder. If one of your emails goes in that folder once, your entire email marketing strategy would fail as a whole. Check the spam score of your email before sending it. If it’s beyond the safe zone, it will never reach the inbox of your target audience. However, you can avoid the situation by getting rid of some apparent spammy activities such as all caps subject line, HTML heading, “Amazing opportunity” etc. Want to learn more about successful email marketing? Sign up for our monthly newsletter now.