We reveal some of the useful insights & articles from 2017 offering advice on digital transformation, innovation and business growth.
The report highlights how simple and clear user experiences drive brand loyalty. Simplicity inspires people to spend more, motivates employees to deliver on the brand promise—and ultimately drives financial gain for companies that embrace it.
Download the report here
“Digital” was just another name for “IT”, a decade back. The CIO was not generally regarded as a strategic leader. The scenario has changed completely; the CIO isn’t a supporting actor anymore.
Download the report here
Whereas most business lists analyze companies by traditional metrics such as revenue or by subjective assessments such as “innovativeness,” this ranking evaluates the ability of leaders to strategically reposition the firm.
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There has been a 74% increase in the number of CIOs serving on Fortune 100 boards in the past two years. Useful insights on how CIOs can help address a host of issues of crucial importance to boards. Read more here
User research can be done at any point in the design cycle. This list of methods and activities can help you decide which to use when. Read more here
This report examines investment in artificial intelligence (AI), & describes how it is being deployed by companies that have started to use these technologies across sectors.
Download the report here
Where the CIOs are spending their time, how the role is evolving, obstacles they face + more useful insights.
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The world’s largest CIO survey tracks how senior IT leaders around the globe are balancing their strategic business, technical and management priorities. Download Here
Key takeaways from the survey
Personality is not destiny. CIOs are not limited in their ability to deliver value by their personal attributes or their working styles, but are free to shape their own legacy—and to do so, they must be adaptive in the face of evolving business expectations. Read the report here
Cross-industry studies show that on average, less than half of an organization’s structured data is actively used in making decisions—and less than 1% of its unstructured data is analyzed or used at all. More than 70% of employees have access to data they should not, and 80% of analysts’ time is spent simply discovering and preparing data. Read the complete article here
Every digital leader will be forced to balance new digital initiatives with the legacy IT system the company has in place. Read the complete article here
From telling everyone they’re your customer to establishing a cloud strategy, these “industry best practices” are sure to sink your chances of IT success. Read the article
CIOs are fast becoming strategic innovators in their business. At present, only one in four respondents (26 per cent) report that the CIO is currently leading innovation in their organisations, whereas six in ten respondents (60 per cent) believe that the CIO should be taking a greater leadership role in this area. Download the full report here
The report explores –
Technology has finally advanced to the point where marketers can use real-time data in a way that is both meaningful to customers and profitable for companies. Read the complete article here
Tools and techniques to ensure your company will stand out in the new age of digitization. Read the complete article here
The groundwork for the eventual demise of the smartphone is being laid by Elon Musk , by Microsoft, by Facebook, by Amazon, and a countless number of startups that still have a part to play. Read the complete article here
By measuring each country’s current state of digital evolution and its pace of digital evolution over time, a map of our digital planet (see chart below) has been created.
Read the complete article here
To compete against digital-born companies, traditional companies need to adopt a much different approach to designing and managing enterprise architecture—a model we call “perpetual evolution,” because it emphasizes continual changes to and modular design of business capabilities as well as the technologies behind them. Read the complete article here
If the people asking for something are important business stakeholders, their concerns often become requirements that get injected into the project plan with little to no validation. Check out some great insights here
The similarities to Linux are striking. Linux was both much cheaper and vastly more powerful than the alternatives available at the time. It seemed incredibly, unbelievably disruptive. Interesting read. Check the complete article here
Measuring how much business value an organization is delivering is an increasing focus. In this year’s survey, business value was cited as the second most popular measure (46%) of an agile initiative’s success, rising from fourth in the prior year. Download the complete report here
It’s notable that the digital transformation that has been taking place so far has been occurring more at the grassroots level –employees or managers putting technology in place to boost their areas of the business. Read the complete article here
A list of memorable books filled with lessons about technology, business and leadership. Read the
We’ll post the next curated list of must-reads very soon. Meanwhile, if you want to add something more to the list, drop a comment.