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Date – April 25, 2014

  • Social Media Ad Budgets Are Rapidly Shifting To Native, In-Stream Advertising. Read More 
  • Google+ Chief Vic Gundotra Leaves the Company. Read More 
  • Facebook’s Mobile Ad Network Is Called “Facebook Audience Network” And Here’s How It Works. Read More
  • Increase traffic and conversions with the new Website Card. Read More 
  • Contently Offers New Analytics Tools To Help Content Marketers Go Beyond Pageviews. Read More 
  • Can Twitter Help Smokers Kick Their Addiction? Read More 
  • Coming Soon to Microsoft: AOL’s Videos. Read More 
  • Google’s mulling Wi-Fi for cities with Google Fiber. Read More 
  • Two Steves Walking Around Apple? Too Confusing for Steve Jobs. Read More 
  • Flickr cofounder’s new startup is called Slack, and it just raised $42M. Read More