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22 May, 2014

  • Panda Update 4.0: Winners and Losers – Google USA. Read More 
  • PwC: Marketers not moving fast enough to mobile. Read More 
  • 9 Unlikely Brands Rocking Pinterest for Their Marketing. Read More 
  • Branding-Focused Ads Remain No. 1 for US CPG Industry. Read More 
  • Listening to Beyoncé? Facebook Has an Ad for You. Read More. 
  • This Marketing Insight Made Papa John’s A Household Name. Read More
  • Budweiser Ramps Up Social, Digital Video to Win Over Football Fans. Read More 
  • How GE Uses Social Tools to Support Its Digital Strategies? Read More 
  • Does Digital Marketing Success Depend on Reinvention? Read More 
  • The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding. Read More 
  • Ads, ads everywhere: Google has a plan to put them on everday items. Read More 
  • Brands: Don’t Pay to Be Disliked. Read More