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Facebook’s News Feed Changes: Targets Spammy Posts

Facebook is tweaking its news feed algorithm to fight the stream of Request-for-like stories (like-baiting)Frequently circulated content and Spam links that clog the users’ news feeds ever so often. “Today we are announcing a series of improvements to News Feed to reduce stories that people frequently tell us are spammy and that they don’t want to see”, Facebook posted on their online newsroom on Thursday, “Many of these stories are published by Pages that deliberately try and game News Feed to get more distribution than they normally would.”  

 The 3 types of abuses that Facebook is targetting are –  

 This attempt of the social media giant to keep spam off the news feed “joins a number of other major updates the algorithm has added in the last six months”, Kurt Wagner, Social media reporter for Mashable observes. Facebook also shared certain findings that supported their decision. They found stories spread via like-baiting strategy were “15% less relevant” than quality stories that were enjoying similar popularity.  The social networking giant reassured the marketers by saying that the update won’t affect Pages that are posting genuine stories. However, CNET’s Jennifer Van Grove thinks that the statement may do little to reassure marketers, “a bunch that has grown increasingly vocal about their displeasure with Facebook.”  What to do you think – how the update would affect the marketers? Share it in the comments.


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